Redemption Page 5
“I booked us in a few days ago when Cal told me I was training someone new. A lot of the stuff we use is specialist. We have contacts that people outside this life would never know in a million years.”
“But I can buy underwear anywhere.” She pointed out. “You don’t need to come with me for that.”
“Firstly, I don’t want to let you run the risk of buying with old habits.” He held up a finger. “Secondly, I can give you advice on what will work well with certain scenes and costumes.” The second finger went up. “And thirdly, I’m dominant by nature, Red. It gives me immense pleasure to know what you’re wearing underneath your clothes at any given time.”
“You’re a wicked man!” She scolded and he grinned mischievously.
“Yes. Yes I am.” He rose to his feet and returned to the chest of drawers, bringing back a white sheer chiffon blouse.
“It’s see-through.” She pointed out unnecessarily, pulling it on.
“It won’t matter.” He promised, retrieving a black knee-length pencil skirt next. She stepped into it and he tucked the blouse in, zipping the skirt up. It was a little tight over the hips but she was pretty sure it wasn’t noticeable.
“What is it with dominants and dressing people?” She asked as he went to fetch the last item of clothing – a blood red corset covered in black lace. “I mean that as a serious question. I could have put all of this on myself. Why do you like dressing people?”
“It’s a difficult thing to explain without truly understanding the relationship between dom and sub.” He led her to the bed and made her hold onto the post so he could lace up the corset over the top of the blouse. “I’m sure you’ll understand when you have your own. When someone gives you that kind of control over them, it incites immensely powerful feelings. It’s a precious gift. An awe-inspiring gift in many ways. It’s hard not to want to treat them with reverence. The dressing and aftercare is all part and parcel of that.”
“But you haven’t dominated me.” She glanced over her shoulder to see him still lacing the corset, concentration heavy on his face.
“True. But you are trusting me with a momentous phase of your life. If I fuck this up, you could end up as damaged as Gabriel was. It’s not going to happen; I’m very experienced in this, but the trust is still there. You’re still giving me that power. Besides...” He swatted her backside playfully. “I like you, Red.”
“Glad to hear it.” She grinned. “I hope you know you’ve ruined me for any other man. Whoever comes next is going to have a hard time to match your skill. You have a wicked tongue.”
“Any time you fancy a tumble, you just let me know.” He laced the last few loopholes and grinned. “Brace yourself.”
She sucked in a breath as he started pulling the lacing tight and tried to relax as the corset constricted around her. After several minutes, she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. “Any tighter and I won’t be able to breathe!” She gasped and he chuckled.
“Suck it up, Red. You can take it.” He pulled it even more impossibly tight and she winced.
“If I’d known it was this uncomfortable I’d have argued when you brought it out.”
“You wouldn’t have won.” He said confidently. “There now, I’ll let you off and not pull it any tighter.” He tied it neatly at the bottom and tucked the laces away underneath it. Turning her around, her reached into the top of the blouse and repositioned her breasts, lifting them slightly so she had a little more give in her ribs and a cleavage that could knock a man dead.
She sighed. “You’re going to have to teach me how to channel my inner beast.”
“Your what?” He blinked at her and she shrugged as much as she could in the corset.
“Your beast. You know, that switch you flick when you’re in Master mode. Gabriel used to do it too when he was performing. You move differently. You speak differently. It fills the room with so much power it’s hard to breathe.”
“Oh. That.” He tilted his head slightly. “Why do you call it a beast?”
“Because it’s very predatorial and you move like a big cat. If I was in big cat mode, you wouldn’t just reach into my top and rearrange my boobs without asking.”
“Red, I had my mouth around them less than an hour ago. Why are you being modest now?”
“It’s not modesty!” She protested. “It’s’s...” She glared at him. “I don’t go rearranging your appendages without asking whenever I feel like it.”
“Feel free, any time you like.” He winked at her and walked away. She seriously considered throwing a pillow at him, but didn’t think she’d be able to deal with the payback whilst in this infernal contraption. God only knew how women wore them all the time back in the old days.
“You didn’t answer the question.” She turned to face him and found him studying a couple of pairs of shoes.
“What shoe size are you?”
“Four. Tell me how you flick the switch.”
“It’s not a conscious decision.” He returned with a pair of cute black spike-heel shoes and knelt down to slip them onto her feet. “You think primal, you act primal, you become primal. It just happens. It’ll happen to you too. I’ve heard it referred to in some circles as topspace.”
“You mean like subspace?” She frowned and he shook his head.
“Only in name. The mechanics are completely different. Topspace is utterly lucid. There’s no flying effect. It’s just an absolute, perfect clarity and focus on the task in hand.”
“I guess I’ll wait and see.” She studied her shoes. “If I fall over in these, you’d better catch me.” She took a few experimental steps, but they weren’t as bad as she was expecting and she turned back to him, smiling uncertainly. “So, do I pass muster?”
“You look good enough to eat.”
“As long as that’s the desired effect.” She cocked a hip and put her hand on it. “What’s next?”
“Next I take you to one of the girls and she gives Red a mini makeover.”
“I forgot I wasn’t wearing make-up.” There hadn’t seemed much point in making an effort after Gabriel was gone. She’d lost count of all the tabloid photographs of her looking less than glamorous.
“You don’t need much.” He tilted her face towards the light. “Maybe just a swipe of mascara and some killer lipstick. In fact, let’s not bother the girls. Give me five minutes.” He left the room and returned a couple of minutes later with two tubes. “Here.” He handed them over. “I’m sure you know what to do with them.
She took the tubes and wordlessly applied a slick of mascara to her lashes, using the mirror in the wardrobe. The lipstick was the same blood red as the corset and looked startling against the pale creaminess of her skin. With a sudden burst of sauciness, she puckered her lips at Blue and he groaned.
“Keep doing that with your lips and I’ll have you on your knees with them around my cock before you can say Jack Robinson.” He warned and she was scandalised into a choking laughter.
“You can’t say stuff like that!” She snorted and he shrugged.
“I can. I did. I will continue to do so.” He pointed at the tube she was holding in her hand. “I hereby rename that shade of lipstick ‘blowjob red’.”
“You’re outrageous.” She chided him. “Stop trying to shock me and tell me what you want me to do with my hair.” He gave her a long, level look and then started laughing helplessly. “What?” She didn’t get it. “What’s so funny?”
“I can’t even...” He howled with laughter until he was gasping for breath and his eyes were watering. “You’re so funny.” She’d never seen anyone so big get the giggles before and couldn’t help but smile at him. He was ridiculously cute, despite his size.
“What did I say that was so funny?” She asked again when he’d settled a bit and he wiped his eyes.
“I just couldn’t think of a single thing to say that wasn’t outrageous.” He got the giggles again. “You were standing there looking all serious and sexy and
all I could think was for you to wrap it around my hand so I could hold your head still while taking advantage of the lipstick.”
She sighed. “You’re a dirty minded man, Master Blue.” She tutted, hiding a smile. “I guess I’ll just put it up then, shall I?” Ignoring him trying to get his laughter under control, she rummaged in her handbag until she found an elastic band and pulled her slightly damp hair up into a neat pony tail. “Don’t even think it!” She warned as he opened his mouth and he snapped it shut again. “There’s a good boy. What’s next?”
He took a deep breath. “Next we go over Karen’s file.” He went to check his watch and realised he wasn’t wearing it. “Can you hand me my watch?” He pointed to the dresser and she picked it up, noticing absently that it probably cost more than she earned in six months as a teacher. Now that he was putting on his suit jacket, she realised that probably cost just as much. It had to have been hand-tailored to his size. Nothing off the rack ever looked that good. “Thanks.” He clipped the watch on and looked at the face. “She’ll be here in about half an hour so I’ve got enough time to explain a few things.”
“Is it okay to leave my things here?” She gestured to her bag and clothes and he nodded.
“Of course. This is my room.”
“You live here?” She didn’t know why that was so shocking, but he clearly didn’t think anything of it.
“Beats the alternatives.” He shrugged. “Master Henway takes care of us well.”
“Are there others that live here too?” Fascinated, she followed him out into the hallway.
“Other than the Master, only one – Storm’s room is next to mine. You’ll meet her soon enough, I’m sure.”
She followed him down the stairs and into a small reception room, where there were a few chairs scattered in a cluster around a table.
“Take a seat and I’ll be right back.” She moved to one of the armchairs nearest the table and sat down, trying not to think about what was about to happen.
“This is your last chance to back out.” Blue said seriously when he returned, taking the seat next to hers and laying the file and a plate of sandwiches on the table before them. “It’s not like it is in the books. It’s dark and dirty and you need to be prepared for that. You’re going to smell fear and sweat. It’s very visceral and very real. My subs aren’t pretty young girls and they leave my playroom with blotchy faces, red eyes and welted skin.”
“You haven’t seen my nightmares, Blue.” She swallowed, an echo of Gabriel’s screams rattling around in her head. “I’m not going to be shocked.”
“Tomorrow you and I are going to talk about your nightmares.” He accepted her word for it and pushed the sandwiches across. “You haven’t had lunch. You need to eat before we do this.”
“I couldn’t fit a sandwich into this thing.” She prodded her corset. She was having to sit ramrod straight in the chair as it was.
“Nevertheless, you will eat.” The command rolled softly through the room and she shivered.
“Fine.” She was actually ravenous, so she wasn’t going to put up too much of a fight, even if she was going to end up paying for it later. Picking up half a sandwich, she bit into it and watched as Blue started going through the file.
“You’ll see here that Karen has a standard form.” He held it up to show her. “All our clients fill one in when they first attend. We review them on a six monthly basis unless it’s obvious that the client’s needs aren’t being met. It’s a list of things she will and won’t do. Karen’s pretty experienced, so there’s not much on her won’t do list.”
“How long has she been coming here?”
“About four years, but she was in a relationship with a Dom for a long time before that.” He flicked through her medical disclosure form and previous history, detailing anything he thought was of interest as Noelle listened and ate. When he was done, they still had a few minutes left and he ate the remaining food while answering her questions.
“Why does she come here? Is there a reason people are drawn to be submissive?”
“There are as many reasons as there are fish in the sea.” He shrugged. “Karen comes because she has an immensely stressful job. She’s the CEO of a large business and often has to make ruthless and unpleasant decisions. It relaxes and pleases her to give the reins to somebody else for a change. Under my care, she can let it all go.”
“See, this is where I get confused.” Noelle leaned back as far as the corset would allow. “When I was tied down and helpless, I absolved myself of all responsibility for what was happening to me because I had no say over it. It wasn’t until afterwards that I realised I could have safe-worded at any time so, technically, I had ultimate responsibility for it. I don’t understand the mechanics of this psychology. Karen is still in charge. She’s going to tell us what we’re allowed to do to her and she can back out at any time. How is that relinquishing control?”
“It’s complex and I don’t think anyone’s ever really got to the bottom of it.” He shrugged. “My personal opinion is that the illusion of absolute submission is powerful enough to assuage the need. She may have provided the boundaries, but she has no say in how I carry out my job. Unless I’m talking her through something dangerous, she never has any idea what’s about to happen to her next. There are some relationships where the sub doesn’t get a safe word.”
Noelle shuddered. “But...but what happens if the dominant does something horrific that the sub just can’t cope with?”
“If you can’t trust your Dom to know your limits, you shouldn’t be in that kind of relationship.” Blue said flatly. “It’s about trust and knowing yourself and your partner.”
Noelle was about to respond when there was a quiet knock on the door and the woman from reception poked her head around the door.
“Your client is here, Master Blue.” She said quietly, not quite meeting his eyes.
“Please send her in, Chloe.”
“Yes Master.”
Noelle narrowed her eyes as she watched Chloe retreat, trying to read the subtle body language. Anywhere else, she’d assume they’d had an argument, but here she was wondering if Chloe was a submissive of some description. Was her inability to meet his eyes a mark of respect or fear? Puzzled, she waited quietly as Blue straightened his jacket and tie and stood when he did to greet the woman that walked in.
Chapter six
After Blue’s little speech about his subs not being pretty and it not being like it was in the books, Noelle had been expecting someone unattractive, so Karen came as quite a surprise. She was in her mid-forties and clearly spent a lot of time at the gym. Her hair was expensively coloured a mid-brunette and her nails were finely manicured. Her clothes were expensive and well tailored to her toned body. She wasn’t strikingly beautiful, but she wasn’t ugly either. Noelle didn’t realise how anxious she’d been until the knot of tension in her chest dissipated.
“Karen, welcome.”
“Master Blue.” Her voice was soft and respectful as she shook his hand, even though they weren’t in the playroom yet.
“Karen, this is Mistress Red. I’m training her. She will be attending our session this afternoon.”
“Nice to meet you.” Noelle said politely, figuring it was a fairly neutral statement. She shook Karen’s hand and then they all sat.
“Are you fully recovered from our last session?” Blue took a pen from his jacket pocket and poised to write notes.
“Yes.” Karen nodded. “Although I’m still getting twinges in my right shoulder when I go to the gym.”
“No strappado today then. We’ll find a different means of restraint.” He made a quick annotation. “Are there any other issues I should know about?”
“No, although I am very tired today, Master Blue.” She too wasn’t meeting his eyes and Noelle tried to compare Karen’s body language to Chloe’s. Unfortunately she hadn’t seen enough of either of them to draw real conclusions.
“And how has your week been, Karen
“Stressful.” She sounded slightly defeated. “I had to fire three staff this week.”
Blue studied her carefully before speaking. “We won’t be using the violet wand today Karen. You’re tired and on edge. I’m not going to risk it.”
“Yes, Master.” She sounded both relieved and disappointed at the same time. It was a bizarre combination.
“According to your file, your six monthly review is coming up at your next appointment. You’ll need to assess your current lists and think about whether you want to change anything. Do you have a copy at home?”
“Yes. I’ll dig it out and think it over before I return.”
“Excellent.” He closed the file and slipped the pen back into his pocket. “If there’s nothing else to go over, you may go and ready yourself. We’re in room five.”
“Yes Master.” She rose gracefully to her feet and left the room without a backward glance.
“How are you feeling?” Blue asked Red when the door closed and she gave a small smile.
“Why are you nervous?”
Sensing it was a serious question, she tried to formulate her thoughts into something that made sense. “I think part of it is not knowing what’s going to happen.” She admitted. “I’m worried that I’ll do something to mess up the mood of it. There’s clearly a very special bond that exists between master and sub. I’m not sure if my presence will be intrusive somehow.”
“You have nothing to fear on that front.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “Having other people around is accepted by most subs. If the master wants an audience, he gets what he wants. He’s the one calling the shots. A lot of professionals use what’s known as a ‘spotter’ during scenes. That’s a person who just stands by and watches for signs of stress in the sub that the master may not notice because they’re otherwise engaged.”
“Will I have to do anything?” She didn’t realise she was frowning and he reached across to smooth out the crease between her brows with a strong finger.
“Not today. I just want you to watch and try to get a feel for the dynamics this afternoon. Tomorrow I’ll expect you to participate, but don’t worry.” He grinned and cupped her cheek. “I’m not going to throw you in the deep end. There’ll be close supervision.”