Obsession: Darkness Falls Read online

Page 7

  “Yes.” She breathed.

  “How much?”

  The ability to form words seemed to have deserted her as she watched him. “A lot.” She managed eventually. “Please Gabriel.”

  She watched as he came closer, forcing her legs to stay upright as they trembled with need. “You will watch every minute of this.” He instructed her. “But you can come whenever you want. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She inhaled sharply when he set the tip of his cock at her entrance.

  “Good.” He slid into her in one smooth move and she bowed against the cuffs as her body fought to rise to his. He didn’t even give her a moment to recover, thrusting again as she cried out. “Watch!” He growled and she forced her eyes open to look in the mirror. It was the most mesmerisingly erotic thing she’d ever seen...his shaft sliding in and out of her, glistening smoothly under the overhead lights. There was a fierce light in his eyes as he set up a steady pace, relentlessly plunging into her, again and again.

  She was so focused on the sensation and the sight of him fucking her, that she didn’t see what he was doing with the hand on the far side from the mirror, until she saw it rising over her body and felt his thumb, cold with some sort of gel, pressing against the entrance to her arse. It was like all her nerve endings fired at once in a blitz of filthy sexy sensation. Her body fought the restraints again as he slowly worked his thumb into it, making her moan. It was so wrong, but it felt insanely good, like a forbidden taste of something illicit. He set up a rhythm in counterpoint to his cock until she could feel it was slick and gliding easily, and then he withdrew, fetching something else from his pocket. She was so far gone she could barely focus on what he was doing, other than to see it was small and silvery, maybe the width of two fingers. Then she felt it...cold metal sliding between her cheeks and pressing at her entrance. It was so wrong and it felt delicious and it was like she was burning all over as her nerve endings lit on fire with sensation.

  “Oh my god...” she whispered, pressing her cheek to the block, unable to hold her head up any more.

  “God has nothing to do with this.” He sounded amused and totally in control, like he wasn’t even breaking a sweat. “I am your master now.”

  “Yes.” She whispered, fighting the urge to close her eyes so strongly that they prickled with tears.

  “Say it out loud.” He encouraged and she swallowed.

  “You are my master now.”

  “Good girl.” He pushed the metal all the way in, filling her up until she was aching with intensity, and then he pulled her hips back, repositioning her. “Very good girl. And like all good girls, you’ll get your reward.” He grinned like a tiger as he pressed a hidden button and whatever was in her arse began vibrating. Seconds later he reached underneath her and began to massage her clit as her knees buckled like overcooked noodles. He thrust into her once, twice and then, almost without warning, she crashed freefalling into climax, bodily convulsing as he wrung it out of her.

  After he’d finished, he cleaned her up quickly and efficiently and then gently unbuckled her, lifting her upright as she swayed slightly.

  “Just take a moment to adjust.” He murmured, steadying her. “Are you okay?”

  “Uhuh.” She held onto him until her sense of balance was restored.

  “Go put your clothes on.” He kissed her forehead. “We have shopping to do.”

  “That’s it?” She stared at him. “You put me through something like that and then we just snap right back into normality?”

  “That was pretty mild kitten.” He seemed amused. “It’s about as normal as I get.”

  “Wow.” She shook her head, not sure what to say.

  “Are you dealing with this okay?” He asked, his face shifting into concern and she nodded.

  “I’m fine. I just...I’ve never done anything like that before.” She blinked and shook her head again. “I just need a moment to adjust.”

  “Speak to me.” He said later as he drove them down into the city. “You seem quiet – I need you to be honest with me.”

  “I hadn’t expected it to be so liberating.” She admitted quietly. “I mean, you...you...”

  “Came in by the rear entrance?” He flashed her a grin and she went crimson.

  “Yes...that. But being tied...I can’t blame myself for what you did to me. If I hadn’t surrendered I’d have hurt myself.”

  “And you are struggling with this because...?”

  “Because I feel like I should be ashamed. It was wrong Gabriel. Nature never intended for...it to be used for that purpose.”

  “Did it feel good?” He leaned across and squeezed her hands where she was wringing them in her lap.

  “Yes.” She whispered, turning away so she wouldn’t have to look at him.

  “Then nature made it that way. It’s society that says you shouldn’t do it and you know how I feel about societal norms.” She still wouldn’t look at him, struggling as she was with her own emotions, so he gave her some space and changed the subject. “Talking of my subversive views, I realised I forgot to tell you I’m going to perform on New Year’s Eve.”

  “You’re doing a concert? As Darkness Falls?” Her head snapped round to stare at him.

  “Yeah.” He went quiet for a moment, navigating a busy junction as they headed for the biggest shopping centre. “I was asked months ago and I forgot I’d said yes until I had a reminder email about rehearsals this morning.”

  “How often do you see the band?” She asked curiously. “They know who you are, right?”

  “They know, but they’ll never say.” The ghost of a smile lightened his face. “We have a running bet on who’s going to be offered the most astronomical sum of money for the inside scoop. We’re already in the millions.”

  “Really?” She couldn’t comprehend turning down that kind of money. It was more than she’d make in a decade of teaching.

  “Yes really. That’s why I’m telling you now.” He glanced across at her. “If you want to come to the gig, we need to buy you a mask so no-one can take your picture and try to track you down.”

  “I think I should.” She couldn’t believe she was saying it but it felt right. She needed to see that part of him, like it was an important piece of the puzzle that made up his complex persona. “I don’t think I’ve got anything suitable for wearing to a rock concert though.”

  “You let me worry about that.” He turned into the car park. “I know exactly what you need...”

  Chapter seven

  It was late by the time they finished shopping and they met back at a restaurant not far from the car park for dinner, before heading back to Gabriel’s house in the hills.

  “I should go and wrap some of these things.” Noelle laughed, hefting a bag of gifts. They weren’t expensive, she couldn’t afford much on her teacher’s salary, but she had always had a knack for buying presents people loved.

  “You can wrap them tomorrow.” Gabriel dropped the bags he was carrying under the coat rack and tossed his keys in the dish by the front door. “I told you tonight was mine. We’re going to the play room.”

  “Right now?” She blinked. “We only just got in. Don’t you want a drink or something first?”

  “No.” He shrugged out of his coat. “It’s been driving me crazy all day. You go freshen up, or whatever it is ladies do, but I want you in there in ten minutes.”

  “Okay.” Her throat had suddenly gone dry and she set down her bags, shrugging out of her coat as he watched. “I’ll go put these things away.” Gathering the bags up again, she headed through to the bedroom and tucked them neatly in the section of closet he’d cleared for her clothes. For a moment she stared at the bed, wondering what she was supposed to do, but nothing sprang immediately to mind. It wasn’t like she prepared for a session as a sub on a regular basis. In the end, she prepared as she normally would for going to bed, using the bathroom and having a quick wash.

  She stepped into the play room with seconds to spar
e and he was already in there waiting for her, three coils of rope swinging loosely from his hand. “Get undressed.” He told her quietly, hanging the ropes from one of the wall hooks nearest the tilting table.

  In silence she removed her clothes, folding them neatly and laying them on top of the drawers beside the door. It was amazing how little embarrassment she felt after having been through this ritual before. Returning to him, she studied the floor, noticing for the first time that he’d kicked his shoes and socks off and was bare-foot.

  “Remind me of your safe word.” He commanded softly, the timbre of his voice making her shiver.

  “Cabbage.” It was a ridiculous safe word, but this time she didn’t smile. Anticipation and no small amount of fear were making her breath come short.

  “Good.” He reached under the table and turned something, pressing the end to ensure it wouldn’t tilt. “Sit here.” He patted the junction of the inverted T and she moved to sit there. It was just a little bit too high for her to climb on comfortably, so he lifted her up with his musician’s hands around her tiny waist. The rasp of callus on her soft skin raised goosebumps. “Lie back.” His voice was so soft, but there was no way she would have disobeyed. The padding was cold against her skin, smooth like leather. He took down one of the coils of rope and played it out, twisting and turning it in his hands as he moved around behind her. “Drop your arms down to the sides.” He told her and she did as he asked, wondering what he was doing.

  The first loop of rope went around her waist, securing her firmly, but not too tightly, to the table. He worked his way up, securing her arms and shoulders, neatly tying off the rope underneath the table.

  “Is that comfortable?” He asked, sliding a finger underneath each rope to test the tension.

  “Surprisingly, yes.” It was a weird experience. The amount of care and attention that went into it made her feel strangely secure. At the same time there was an element of eroticism to it, as though she was being gift-wrapped for him. The constant pressure all over her torso reminded her that with every breath she took, or every tiny movement she made, she belonged to him.

  “Good.” He lifted another coil of rope down. “Draw your left knee up to your chest.” He swiftly bound it with the rope so that she couldn’t straighten her leg, looping the end of the cable over the end of the horizontal section of the table and Noelle suddenly realised why it was that shape. She shook when he repeated the same ritual with her right leg, tying it so that it was neatly bent and looping the rope over the table. “Don’t fight this.” He warned, exerting pressure on the ropes, and her knees were forced apart, splaying her wide open to him. Her instinct was to fight the pressure, but she forced herself to breathe through her nose and relax. She’d never felt so vulnerable in her life. He tied off the ends to hold her in that position and then walked around her, studying her body from every angle as she tilted her head, trying to watch him. “You’re beautiful kitten.” He murmured. She knew her cheeks were flaming with embarrassment as he completed his circle and bent down to study her pussy. “You’re beautiful here too.” She shuddered as he stroked gentle fingers over it, spreading out the petals. “What am I going to do with you?” She couldn’t even begin to imagine what was going through his head.

  Leaving her for a moment, he went to the drawers and selected a few items, setting them in a basket under the table that was out of her line of sight.

  “How are you doing?” He asked, giving her a direct look, and she let out a shaky breath.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Good.” He ducked under the table for a moment and then straightened, reaching forward to caress her face. He brushed a finger over her lips and down her chest, traced his hand down over the ropes around her belly and began to circle her clit with his thumb. It was merciless. She couldn’t even move an inch.

  “Oh!” She gasped as he once again penetrated her arse with a finger from his other hand. That must have been what he was doing under the table. The lubricant was cold as he worked it into her. It was the most exquisite kind of torture. Shame and need warred all over her body as she struggled against the ropes.

  “Settle down kitten.” He smiled at her discomfort. “You’ll hurt yourself thrashing against the ropes like that.”

  “I can’t help it.” She closed her eyes. “Please Gabriel...” She jerked again as he inserted another finger, and let out a soft noise.

  “Patience kitten.” He lowered himself to his knees and ran his tongue through her folds. She was wet and ready for him and it made her cry out. Good. She’d need to be ready. He continued the oral assault as he withdrew his hands and reached under the table for the plug he’d placed there earlier. It was bigger than the one he’d used that morning, but he knew she could take it. Quickly coating it in yet more lube, he returned his left hand to her clit while his right hand slowly pushed it into her arse. Feeling her tense, he slowed down as he worked it into her and it took almost five minutes before it was in up to the hilt. Perfect.

  She was panting when he stood up, his thumb still lazily circling. “You will not come until I tell you to, do you understand?” He said fiercely and her eyes flew open.

  “I’m close.” She whispered and he nodded.

  “I know.” She wasn’t ready yet, so he took away his hands, stripping off his T-shirt and jeans and draping them over the stack. Then his boxers were gone and he came round to the head of the table, reaching underneath and releasing the mechanism to tilt it so that her head was lowered to his groin. “Open your mouth.” He said softly and she obeyed without question. First he put his thumb in her mouth, exploring her teeth and tongue as he’d explored the rest of her. There was no part of her he didn’t own and he could tell from the way her tongue was curling around the pad of his thumb that she was enjoying the experience. Once he had explored, he withdrew his thumb and replaced it with his cock. He’d had girls on this table that could open their throats, but his sweet Noelle wasn’t one of them and he wasn’t going to push it. He needed her to enjoy this experience, so he moved gently, letting her explore him with her mouth. It was the only part of her that could move.

  When she had teased him to fever pitch, he withdrew and held himself over her as she watched him with wide eyes. “Are you doing okay?” He asked and she nodded.

  “I’m good.”

  “Excellent.” He pushed away from the head of the table, returning to the base of it and tilting her back up the other way so she could look at him. Her breath was coming short with anticipation as he rocked his hips against her.

  “Please...” She whispered, her eyes glassy with wanton need.

  “Look at me.” He ordered and she blinked, focusing on him. When he was sure he had her attention, he positioned himself at her entrance and worked his way in. She was so small she formed a tight sheath around him and he couldn’t imagine what it must feel like for her. He could feel the plug in her arse and guessed it had to be intense. Her body fought the ropes as her back bowed and he watched it with a peculiarly clinical detachment as he withdrew and thrust into her again.

  “It’s too much.” She gasped, throwing her head back as far as the ropes and table would allow. Sensing she was already on the edge, he brought his thumb back to her clit as he thrust again, picking up the pace. “Gabriel! Please!” It almost came out as a sob as he drove into her hard, over and over again, the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing from the mirrors.

  “Don’t you dare come!” He snapped. “Not until I tell you to.”

  “Mercy!” She breathed, crying out again.

  “There is no mercy in here.” He said ruthlessly. “There is only my will.” He reached up with his free hand and cupped her breast, rolling the nipple expertly between a thumb and forefinger as she gasped again. It wasn’t long before he could feel the muscles in her core tightening.

  “Gabriel!” She couldn’t form the words to warn him.

  “Don’t do it.” He said softly, looking directly into her face. “If you do I w
ill punish you.”

  “I can’t help it!” She wailed, her eyes pleading with him, but he didn’t let up.

  “Are you going to disobey me?” He demanded, lowering his mouth to her breast and she couldn’t stop herself. The moment his tongue swirled around the sensitive peak, she shattered beneath him, shuddering all over as much as the ropes would allow. “Oh kitten.” He stopped immediately and gazed down at her. “What did I tell you?”

  “I couldn’t help it.” She mumbled automatically. Aftershocks were rippling all over her body. His still hard cock could feel the muscles inside her clenching and unclenching. “I’m sorry. I tried.”

  “It’s not good enough.” He withdrew from her as he shook his head. “You disobeyed a direct order, kitten. Now I have to punish you.”

  “What are you going to do?” There was real fear in her voice as he walked away towards the drawers again. “You promised you wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “And I won’t.” He rummaged until he found what he wanted, and concealed it in his palm as he turned back to her. “But you must be punished, and that means doing something you don’t want to do.”

  “But I’m sorry!” She pleaded with him as he stalked back across the room with muscular grace. “I tried so hard. I couldn’t help it.”

  “You disobeyed me.” He said again, perfectly calm.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Her eyes were wide with fear and he leaned over, placing a hand to either side of her on the table.

  “I’m going to fuck you up the arse kitten. And, what’s more, you’re going to come again for me while I do it.”

  “No! Gabriel, please!” Her eyes were wide with panic, but she hadn’t used her safe word. That was interesting.

  “You must be punished.” He repeated again, making sure she watched as he leaned back and reached under the table for the lube. “You have no choice.”

  “Gabriel don’t.” Her eyes were drawn to his cock as he took it in his palm, smearing the cool lubricant up and down his length. “Don’t do this to me.”